June 2007

Our Trip to the Farm

Tyler and Tayler Weidlich

Bob and Dean's great-grandchildren, Tyler and Tayler, have an exciting day at the Spiker Reunion.

(Tayler) We rode in Grandma Dean’s car to the reunion. When we got out of the car, my brother, Tyler, and I ran behind the house and climbed in the rope hammock. I was trying to hold on tight but Tyler flipped it over and we were still holding on. Then we swung on the rope swing in the tree out front.

Then it was time to eat. We had hotdogs, grapes, watermelon and chips. Then we rushed to the car to get our swimsuits. After changing, we ran to the creek beside the house. There was only a little bit of water because it hadn’t rained. So MaMaw took us across the road to the river. We climbed down the bank and across the dam made of rocks.

(Tyler) I caught tadpoles in the creek before Mamaw told us to get on the other side of the road. There were crawdads over there and fish. We swam in water past our belly buttons. I sat down and a crawdad bit me on my hand and it hurt. Devon swung on the rope out over the river beside the swinging bridge. He fell in the water.

(Tayler) Mamaw called for us to come back to the house. We had to get the family picture taken. We had to sit there a long time. Everyone had to go up and use their cameras to take another picture. It was very hot. Derek was crying. He didn’t want to take any more pictures.

(Tyler) Then we had to draw names out of a hat. I wanted to win a hat but they didn’t call my name. Maybe next year I can win a hat. Then we went back to play in the river. I liked that best. John Bob caught a crawdad by the tail and put it in a cup. It didn’t even bite him. Then it was time to go home. We stopped at the church and saw the graves. Then we went home after stopping for ice cream.