What's Happening - Part II
Part 2 in a series of articles about Jake Spiker and Gay Zinn's courtship letters.
By Bobbi Spiker Conley
Riding with my family across hard and bumpy dirt roads to get to the Spiker Farm was always a treat. But we kept the windows up! During the hottest months, the roads were dry and dusty. In the springtime, they were wet and muddy (and sometimes flooded.) In the coldest months, they could be covered with ice or deep snow. But when our grandparents were courting, there wasn’t a family car to provide protection from the elements. Instead, almost all local travel was by foot, on horseback, or in a horse-drawn vehicle.
I always assumed they “didn’t get out much.”
Just check out what was happening with the weather! But keep scrolling to see what was happening in the community. Apparently, they “got out” much more frequently than I was ever permitted in MY youth. (Right, Dad?)
What's Happening with the Weather
14 May 1905 – Gay wrote, “This [is a] lonesome Sunday evening as the rain is falling fast…It has rained the whole day and the creek is out of the road. I thought we would hafto move out. The water got up in the yard Thursday night. The lightning struck our phone Thursday evening and knocked Coe and I almost stiff.”
5 Nov 1905 – Gay wrote, “Kate and I went to Oxford to a meeting this morning. We went in the buggy. The roads was awful bad.”
28 Feb 1906 – Gay wrote, “This wintery day finds me trying to write to my dear friend. I hope you arrived at your destination all right and none the worse off by coming out to see us people. Isn’t this weather something awful? I am glad you don’t hafto be out in it. This snow has brought Manley in [to the house.] He is still at his old trade of teasing. Daisy hasn’t come home yet. She is coming this evening, I think.
2 Mar 1906 – Jake replied, “It was half past eleven when I got home from you house [after that storm] and then I never started to Harrisville till after four. It was late when I got to town, and I stayed in and talked to Mr. Hulderman. I did not get to see anyone hardly more than that you care about.”
18 Mar 1906 – Jake wrote, “Gay it has only been three weeks today since I saw you and it sure seems more like a year to me. Hain’t this been a bad old March? She is paying back what she borrowed of January.”
25 Mar 1906 – Jake wrote, “Gay, what do you think of this for winter weather? I think it is something offal but it don’t hurt me any for I don’t have to be out in it any.”
11 Jul 1906 – Gay wrote, “We haven’t done much harvesting this week. We was up on the hill Tuesday evening putting up hay and we almost got drownded. I never seen it rain much harder, and [it] hailed till we almost froze. There wasn’t a dry thread on us. And yesterday evening the same. We came home looking like drownded rats. I thought we would all catch our death of cold, but we haven’t yet. The hail cut the leaves all to peaces [sic]. I hope it will be a pretty day today so we can put our hay up.
19 Jul 1906 – Gay wrote, “We haven’t done any harvesting this week as yet it is too rainy. We have got 12 stacks up.”
10 Oct 1906 – Gay wrote, “It is just snowing so hard now. It makes me so cold.”
20 Nov 1906 – Gay wrote, “Didn’t we have winter last week! And rain this week.”
20 Jan 1907 – Gay wrote, “Haven’t we been having some rain? It has rained nearly every day since I have been out here. There has been 3 protracted meetings going on close here for the last week, one at Auburn, Newberne, and one on Sinking Creek. Fay and I wanted to attend some, but we couldn’t. It rained nearly all the time.”
What's Happening in the Community
19 Apr 1905 – SARAH RIGGS** wrote to Jake – “They tried to have a music party around at Mr. Bill Wilson’s last week, but it was a failure, there wasn’t anybody there, so I heard. There is to be a log rolling down at Mr. Newt Cox’s**today, some of us girls had a notion to go but we had no invitation. Last Sunday [the 16th] was my birth day. I was just sweet sixteen and I didn’t get bespoused (married) a time.”
28 April 1905 – Jake wrote, “I was at a flinch party on Wed. eve down at Inskeeps and just had a fine time. There was only three of us and I was the only boy there. B. Gorrell was going but he got sick and did not get to go. Bernie G, Carrie Wass, Otley and I was over to the cemetery last Sun. afternoon and we had a real nice time.”
1 May 1905 – Jake wrote, “There was an ice cream festival here last Thursday night and I just had lots of fun. Gay, you wanted to know when I was coming out to see you. I would like to come to that baptizing the third Sunday if it would be convenient for you.”
14 May 1905 – Gay wrote, “Come to the baptizing Sunday. Everybody will be here if it is a pretty day. There is going to be 34 baptized. I can’t engage my company to any one in particular or individually, for there will be so many people here that I will hafto try and entertain as best as I can. You will be entirely welcome to call at our home. I have been verry, verrry, busy the last week sewing and house cleaning…The services will be held in our orchard.”
18 May 1905 – Jake wrote, “I expect I will not get to come to the baptizing for the roads is so awful bad…I think you had better decide to come back to Harrisville. You don’t know how much fun you are missing. I have got a stool (an invitation) to a birthday party tomorrow evening. I was at home last Sat. & Sun. and I was at a musical entertainment Sat. evening and just had a fine time. There was nine girls to ten boys there.”
22 May 1905 – Gay wrote, “Friend most dear, this afternoon finds me thinking of you. I am upstairs in my room almost half dead. I am not coming back to Harrisville for I don’t feel able, and father won’t want me to, and there is no place like home anyway. I suspect I will miss lots of fun, but I can’t help it.
Why didn’t you come to the baptizing? There was an awful crowd here, but no one I care a snap of a finger for. I guess from all observations and reports, Otley has outed me and my little Harrisville bean, Ha Ha (referring to Gay and Jake’s budding relationship.)
I seen Carrie Wass. Lena Ward is staying in Harrisville now, so she told me. I seen Julie but only for a moment. There was about 14 hundred people here. Porter Leggett was here a little while in the afternoon. He got into a fight and got the worst of it, I guess. He got knocked down and pounded real lively for a while.
I also seen Hazel Summers. She is a mighty pretty girl. Also seen Jennie Pritchard but didn’t know who she was till after she had left.
I have been cleaning the house all morning. People was all over the house hundreds of times and I never saw the like. All of us children was at home yesterday and all the grandchildren. They all left this morning.
I am going to take music lessons this summer.”
25 May 1905 – Jake replied, “I am very sorrow [sic] to hear that you are not coming back to Harrisville for I would like to see you offle [sic] bad, and I sure hate to hear of you being sick. I don’t think Porter Leggett got hurt very much. I did not see any marks on him. There is going to be a big day here the thirtieth of May. You ought to come. There was a baptizing here last Sun., Gay Fisher & another lady.”
21 Jun 1905 – SARAH RIGGS** wrote to Jake, “Maude Amos was telling me you was…at the festival last Wednesday night. I can’t help from thinking you had a nice time. The Amos girls and May, Sell, Orval, and Maun Dennison, and I don’t know who all, were here Sunday and you bet we had a time. I wish you could have been here. There is a show at Pullman now and my brother John (Riggs)** and I went over last night but there was such a few there, they didn’t have any show. The showman said they would have two shows in one tonight. Probably it would be a nicer night. But I don’t think I shall go back anymore.
Maun Dennison is second with the most votes for being the best looking girl. Dock Jackson was coming from Pullman Sun. eve and he stopped a while. You can imagine what a time we had.
I was to one of the finest parties Sat night. I just wish you could have been there. It was only 12:30 when I got home, but I didn’t have but a few steps to come.
And I guess there was about 30 around at Mr. Wilson’s Sat. night. Pritchards girls were there, so I heard.”
22 Jan 1905 – SARAH RIGGS** wrote to Jake, “We will get to attend the “Show” at Washburn. I guess it is going to move from Pullman to Washburn Tuesday. I supposed you will go to the “Children’s day” Sunday. I want to go if it is so I can, but I don’t know how it will be. It depends on whether my brother will take me or not. I think he will if he hasn’t promised to go somewhere else. Oh yes! I have invitations to two ice cream suppers tomorrow night** but I don’t think I shall go to either one of them for I have got to be a good girl anymore ha! ha!”
4 Sep 1905 – Jake wrote, “I hope you got home all right. Did you got to that basket dinner Sun? I saw Alph Star (Alpheus Starr) yesterday and he said he had been sick ever since the fair. I told him that he ate too many grapes. He said he caught the cold coming down on the train. What do you think of that, ha ha? I got Frank’s pictures this morning. Lena [Ward] said you got yours Sat. eve. What do you serpose [sic] scared Frank? If he hain’t scared, he looks it. Don’t you think so?”
4 Sep 1905 – Gay replied, “Dear friend, rec’d your letter last eve and was truly glad to hear from you. I arrived home Sunday eve. Didn’t get to come Sat, it rained to[o] hard and they wouldn’t let me. Manley came after me Sun morn. We didn’t leave Mr. Woods till after 2 and of course I didn’t get to go to that basket dinner. Alcoe and Katherine went. Also Daisy and Ritchie Ireland. We met them coming back as we went home.
Otley is out at her home visiting more. She is coming over Sunday. Roy Beeee is going to bring her.
Alpsh Star has my sympathy. Yes Frank looks frightened. I just laughed at the expression on his face. I can’t tell you from here what frighted him. You ask Otley. Maybe she can tell you.
We girls are invited out tonight to eat melons. I wish you was here to go along.
12 Sep 1905 – Jake wrote, “Rev. Woofter is getting ready to move. He is going to move into the house that Mr. Tappsmoved out of.
Last Sunday was the lonesomest day that I ever saw. Ben Rogers and I had planned to take a drive and it rained and we did not get to go.
I saw Bertha Wade this morn and she ask me how I was standing times since you left and I said that I had been nearly dead, and she said she expected that you was as bad, and I said that you was right in clover for your old beau lived nearly in site, ha ha.
25 Sep 1905 – Gay wrote, “I just arrived home from Mr. Turners. I am making Cora Robinson a jacket and went around to fit it on.”
9 Oct 1905 – Jake wrote, “I was at home yesterday and I had quite a time. There was several young people at our house. They came first to see you, ha ha. I took those xxx that you put in the envelope for kisses that was right was it not, ha ha.”
13 Oct 1905 – Jake wrote, “This evening I will attempt to answer your very much appreciated letter which I received this evening. Gay I could not come tomorrow. So you can look for me the 5th Saturday. I am getting to be the best boy you ever seen. I never stay out in town after the curfew rings. Mr. Night and his daughter Ada was here for dinner today and he was trying to play me. But I don’t think he made anything off of me.”
31 Oct 1905 – Jake wrote, “This rainy evening I take great pleasure in writing to my little girl. I got home safe and sound. It was just half past six when I got to my horse in the barn. As I was coming home, I met that Riggs and his sweetness just your side of Pullman. I saw Attey and Bertha Wade last evening. They said that they would like to see you. And so would I for I never get tired of thee. There is going to be a bazaar at the Court House tonight and I am going to start just as soon as I get through writing. And how I do wish you was here to go with me. The M.E. Church is making it.”
7 Nov 1905 – Jake wrote, “I had a very good time at the Bazaar. They had everything that a person would want and some things that you would not want. This has got to be a dry old place for me anymore. I wished that I could have been over at your house Sunday for it was a lonesome old day for me. I went to Sunday School in the morning and to bed in the afternoon, ha ha. You must not think that I was lazy. I just did it to pass the time away. As news is still offle scarce I will think of you.”
13 Nov 1905 – Jake wrote, “I was at meeting at Mt. Zion Sunday. I was at Turtle Run Saturday night to a box supper. I had a fine time. You know there was only 11 boxes. [My brother] Pearly went with me and we came very near getting killed a coming home. The horse ran away and ran over the road and fell down, and we could not hardly get her up. It did not do any damage much, only broke the harness, but we got them fixed and got home at 10 minutes before 12. Oh, yes, I saw [Mr.] Shirley Pritchard up at the box supper and he wanted to know if my hair had growed out yet. I said, what do you know about my hair, and he said Bert told him all about it. You can tell Katie that I am going to just cut her hair close to her head when I come up, ha ha.”
22 Nov 1905 – Gay wrote, “[Our boarder] Mr. Morris came up here yesterday to work some more on the roads. About the first thing he said, has Jake been up lately.” (Jokingly referring to the time he caught them “bringing in the wood”)
18 Dec 1905 – Gay wrote, “Friend Vada Fisher and myself went to Auburn today to get some Christmas and I seen my old friend Emory S. He wasn’t in speaking distance, but we recognized each other. He has a cousin that is handsomer than he is, ha ha…I met Eva Morris. Mr. Oaf Hickman is calling on her occasionally.”
21 Dec 1905 – Jake wrote, “Clyde Ehret was up here last Saturday and him and Mood [Ehret] and I was all over town and we had quite a time. And Mood said, Jake don’t you wish that we had our wifes [sic] up here and I said you bet I do, or my intended, ha ha…Gay, you know that fellow that we saw at the fair last fall and he was whistling at every girl he saw, and you told him that he was too big a tease. He works up here and boards right across the street from where I do. I will send you a manicure set for Xmas and don’t know whether you will like it, if you do or not, don’t be afraid to say so and I will send you something else. Well, as it is getting late and I will hafto go to work, I will ring off for this time.”
24 Dec 1905 – Gay wrote, “I was down to Newberne last night to the Xmas tree. I had a very nice time. I have enjoyed myself better. I seen Oaf and Jim Hickman. And lots of good people. The house was full of people and there was lots of nice presents. Bert came out Saturday night. Him and Coe went to the Xmas tree. Agnes came home Thursday. I seen her too. I am going down to see her one day next week. I have received several nice presents. I haven’t received that manicure set yet, but I am sure I will like it. Among my presents I have received 2 rings, 2 dishes, 1 collar, handkerchiefs to finish.
Bert is just as mean as ever. He was teasing me about getting mad up to prayer meeting, you know when. I got mad down at the Christmas tree last night. Eva Morris and I sat on the end of the seats next to the aisle. She sat just above me and the aisle was full of drunks standing up, or trying to. And there was a fellow kept leaning on me and one on her. I asked her how she liked to be a leaning post and she said she didn’t mind it on some occasions, but she liked to pick the one that did the leaning, ha ha. All of the Auburn boys was drunk. I think it looked so disgraceful for to see men staggering and swearing.”
28 Dec 1905 – Jake wrote, “This rainy eve finds me with no greater pleasure than writing to you. I was surely glad to hear that you had a good time Xmas. I had a very good time but nothing to brag on. I was over at North View to a Xmas entertainment Sunday and over to Adamston Monday night to a Xmas tree, and you bet they had a fun time…I was offal proud of that Xmas card that you sent me and was glad to hear that you got so many nice presents. Old Santy dear forgot me. He never sent me a thing. I reckon he thought that was not worth paying attention to… You said they was so many drunks you ought to be up here and just see what a mob there was a Xmas night. There was only seven in the undertakers shop and I think does pretty well, don’t you? They did not all of them die from drink but the most of them did….”
2 Jan 1906 – Gay wrote, “My Dear Dollie. I received the manicure set and I think it is very nice, for which I sent you my best compliments. Coe and I went down to Newberne Saturday night to Mrs. Burwell’s and stayed till after [the protracted] meeting last night and such a time as we had. We had a New Years watch. We played games of all kinds. You don’t read of every day in a spelling book. I was married to Bert Burwell just as the clock struck 12. It was only a form of matrimony, ha ha. … Miss Evajeane Morris was down to see us one night last week and she is quite a talker, you know. And her and I had quite a time. She said to me, I tell you them Spiker boys are all O.K. She told me lots of good things I never knew, and bad ones too.”
8 Jan 1906 – Jake replied, “I wish that I could have been out there to that watch party. I know that we would have had a time. I would sooner that it would have been a party of two and that it was you and me, ha ha. And you went and got married. Well how is it going with you? I am very sorrow [sic] for you. I thought that maybe I might get you for my wife. Maybe that I can get your old husband jealous, and he will leave you. Or put a spider in his coffee and then there would be any trouble, ha ha…And Eva Jean Morris said that the Spiker boys was all right. Why of course they are, especially one of them, ha ha.”
11 Jan 1906 – Gay wrote, “Dear Dollie, this rainy evening I will endeavor to scribble you a few of my many thoughts. I have been having a high old time this week. Henry and Fay invited in a few of the young people Tuesday night, and we had a taffy pulling. Indeed, we all laughed till we almost died. Henry played one of the awfulest [sic] tricks on me you ever heard tell of. And last night we went over to Auburn to meeting, 7 of us, 3 couples and a driver. Coe, Miss Morris and myself were the girls. We went one way and came back another. I seen Roy Beeee over there and he was telling me about being up to Clarksburg. I saw Lena over there. Coe was there with her sweetheart. Leona Burwell was up to see me today and we had a time. We done all the mischief we could think of. We even lit a lamp and went up in the attick [sic] and resurrected some old novels and false faces so we could scare Marion.
I went to sleep in a chair this evening and two of my mischief nieces (Joy and Floy Allman) tied me to my chair. Henry and Jennings Law teased me Sunday till I left the house… Indeed I am going to quit calling you Jake, for I never heard the like. They tease me in the roughest manner imaginable. You tell me some name you like and I will call you by it but I will make them cut the teasing out.”
18 Jan 1906 – Jake wrote, “I am offal glad that you all did not die at that taffy party, but I would think it be offal [sic] nice to die laughing. When I die, that is the way I want to die. But you see, if you had died, I would have been left a love widower, ha ha. Yes, you told me all of the girls that went to Auburn to meeting and you never told me a boy’s name. I would like to know who is trying to steal my little shorty, ha ha.
Well, Gay, I don’t care what you call me . Anything that suits you well will me for I am not hard to please. You tell them that I said if they never saw a Jake [yes, spelled J-A-K-E] that I would come out and let them one for once, ha ha. And as for as them teasing you in a rough manner, I don’t think it very smart. I don’t mind teasing as long as it is done in a mannerly way. But if not, I don’t want any of it in mine. Well, Gay, I had often thought of changing your name but I never thought of you changing mine but that is the way now days. The girls is always a getting a head of the boys. I reckon it is because the boys is too slow, ha ha. Gay, I’ll bet if I had of been there you would not have had to leave the house. I think that we could have kept even with them, don’t you? And as for a young man to try to talk so as to hurt a young lady’s feelings, I don’t think it very nice and not the least bit gentlemanly, but that is all some people knows and they think it looks smart. Well I will ring off for this time, hoping to hear from you real soon. I am still the same old Jack (yes, spelled J-A-C-K not Jake)”
28 Jan 1906 – Jake wrote, “Well you was wondering what I was doing last Sunday. I was out for a street car ride. There was a crowd of us went up to Industrial and we had quite a time. They all had girls but me, and I’ll bet that I had more fun than any of them. I wish you could be here this afternoon and we would take a stroll like we youst [sic] to do… Oh Gay I am just as big a fool as ever.”
11 Feb 1906 – Jake wrote, “To my dear shorty. This evening finds me with no greater pleasure than writing to my little blue-eyed, short, and Gay girl…I went to Sunday School this morning and then went skating this afternoon…Oh how I wish you could have been here to have been my partner. I know that we could have beat any of them skating. There was nearly two hundred skaters on the ice, and we had a time. But I did not get a partner, not even once. Don’t you think that too bad for a fellow that likes the girls like I do, but my girl is in good old Ritchie Co. and she is a Gay girl too.”
14 Feb 1906 – Gay wrote, “This morning I will endeavor to answer your letter which I received Monday. We was glad to hear from you. I bet you did have a time skating Sunday. I am certain I did. There was only 16 of us on the ice but we made it count. Bert was my partner. He is an all right partner, but I would rather it had been you. Charlie was on the ice but I didn’t skate any with him. We played Shinnie (a precursor to ice hockey) and when we got tired of that, we got us Willow Whips and made each other dance…Last Thursday…we were cutting up ice. Mr. Turner, Jannie, Papa and myself put up ice. Charlie didn’t help this year. He had to help for 4 years straight till this year, ha ha.”
28 Mar 1906 – Gay wrote, “Marion Gray was over to see me yesterday and I was washing and he helped carry water. I throwed a rotton egg at him but didn’t break it. He threw it back at me and broke it all to smash. We quarreled all the time, ha ha. Bro.Robinson was down here this week and I [would have] took the broomstick to him if he wasn’t a preacher. He told me I wore a false face, and I don’t know what all, he didn’t say. He is awful lively.”
1 Apr 1906 – Jake wrote, “I was at the Opera show. The title was Down in Louisiana. It was a love story and full of romance and it was fine. I wished a dozen times that I would have my little blue eyed girl by my side, my own love. …You know John Hess, that man that had the fight with his wife during Institute last fall? He is up here. I saw him today and he was as drunk as a fool, and I had a terrible time to get rid of him. He said that he was going to stay with me, but I gave him the dodge. I expect he will give me a licking when he sees me again. That is, if he is man enough, but I don’t think he is that.”
8 Apr 1906 – Jake wrote, “Well dear, I am going to the park this afternoon. There is four of us going, all boys and all of us from Ritchie. I wish that you could be here to go with me. I know we could have lots of fun if we didn’t, it would be the first time we went anywhere that we did not have any fun.”
12 Apr 1906 – Jake wrote, “I went into a restaurant last night and who do you think I saw? Nobody but that crazy Walter Davis from Harrisville. He is the night cook. Why he sours the vituals on your stomach, ha ha.”
22 Apr 1906 – Gay replied, “You mustn’t go to that restaurant anymore if Walter’s cooking don’t agree with you. It is liable to ruin your stomach, ha ha. I think a big lot of Walter.”
18 May 1906 – Jake wrote, “I am well and harty as a pig but I am just a little tired this evening. I finished work this evening at three o’clock for this week. I am fixing to go fishing tomorrow. Don’t you bet that I will catch a big bot? I know one thing, that there will be a sucker on one end of the pole, ha ha.”
6 Jun 1906 – Gay wrote, “I am out to Sister Fay’s for 2 weeks. I came last Friday. I was over to Auburn today…What did you do the 30th? I stayed home. Daisy went up to Summers town to a big picnic. She reported a royal time. Ma wouldn’t let me go.”
9 Jun 1906 – Jake replied, “You wanted to know where I spent the 30th of May. In bed. I think that was a very good place, don’t you? I worked at night that week and I slept all day. There was nothing going on here more than common. Several of the people from here went to Grafton. They wanted me to go but you know that I am lazy sort of a fellow and I went to bed.”
17 Jun 1906 – Jake wrote, “I was at an Indian show last night and had more fun to the square inch than any old farmer just let out of a New Ingland [sic] smoke house, ha ha.”
20 Jun 1906 – Gay wrote, “Katie went home today. Coe and I are going next week, so I think we will all be at home the 4th. There is going to be some [fireworks] go off at Pullman the 4th. Kate said Roy was coming to take her. I don’t know what it is. I didn’t get to ask him. He was up at the [Sunday School] Convention. I saw Moode and Lena also. They are the same kids…I am going down to see Agnes tomorrow [and get mulberries]…I got my watch fixed at Glenville. There was two jewels broke. It is running all right now. Miss Eva Morris was out here visiting last week. She stayed all night here and she had the most to tell me. We talked till midnight. She is all fun.”
19 Jul 1906 – Gay wrote, “We had a nice time at the festival Saturday night even if it was rainy. We had a jolly crowd here Sunday. Bert Nutter, Marion and Howard Gray, Frankie Leggett, Mollie Cole and all of our girls and Manley. We just broke up the place. Roy is coming over Sunday evening. I think Katie and I will attend the Convention at Auburn next Friday.”
11 Jul 1906 – Gay wrote, “There is an ice cream supper up at the Summers Saturday night. We are all going if nothing happens.”
7 Aug 1906 – Jake wrote, “Gay I wish you could be here next Sunday. There is an excursion to Cumberland, M.D. Only $1.22 around trip. I think Pearly and I will go and if you was here to go with us, oh what a time we would have.”
9 Aug 1906 – Gay wrote, “I was over to Auburn to a Convention yesterday and was over to that birthday party. There was over one hundred people there. Our crowd left about 10 o’clock and we arrived home after one. It was a long drive but the boys had to come home. I seen dozens of my old sweethearts at that party but I didn’t flirt much. I was afraid they would put their arm around me and I have a large boil on my shoulder and I would hafto holler, ha ha. I saw Pearl Ehretyesterday and was with her all afternoon. We had a time. We was talking of you and we wished you was there to glide around with us. Pearl is all O.K. I saw Goldie Mattie and just lots of people you knew. Ray Zinn was inquiring of you.”
13 Aug 1906 – Jake wrote, “It is with the greatest pleasure that I take my pencil in hand to write to my own, the best and truest girl that ever lived. My dear little girl, you must not think hard of me for not writing sooner. I just received your letter this morning. I should have got it yesterday, but I went to Cumberland. We started at 6 a.m. and got back at 11:45 p.m. It is 126 miles from here. Oh, you just ought to have been along. We had a fine time and some of the finest cenery [sic] as we crossed the mountains. We went through Oakland, Mt. lake, Dear Park [sic] and lots of other nice places to[o] numerous to mention.”
19 Sep 1906 – Gay wrote, “Dave Law is hauling logs and Eva and Oma are cooking for them. They put them up a shanty down by Mr. Ireland’s, and Daisy and the girls have some times. They are all coming up some Sunday to see me.”