Family Wills & Estate Auctions
Review of Quilly Manley Zinn's Will & the Estate Sale of John Zinn.
Articles in the Spiker Gazette explore the family history and genealogy. Inside, you will find photos and information both old and new, while hearing from family members passing on knowledge.
Review of Quilly Manley Zinn's Will & the Estate Sale of John Zinn.
Recap of the Bull Riding event at John & Sue Spiker's farm. First peek at the restored Spiker buggy.
Announcing the Third Annual Championship Bull Riding at John & Sue Spiker's farm.
Highlights of the 2009 Spiker Family Reunion
Bobbi Conley looks forward to attending the family reunion for the first time in years. Reunion schedule is confirmed.
Reunion schedule is announced. Requests made for auction items to benefit the South Fork Cemetery.